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Showing posts from April, 2018

Roasted Cauliflower with Garlic and Herbs

Are you a cauliflower lover?  Cauliflower is a vegetable I make infrequently. That's because I am very picky about the quality of any head of cauliflower I buy. I want my cauliflower to be pristine white, with no hint of dark spots anywhere on the head. The Best Roasted Cauliflower A Head of Roasted Cauliflower It's not very often I find heads of cauliflower that look fresh enough for me to buy.  This week I did find a beautiful little head.  It weighed just over a pound. That head of cauliflower was so pretty that the cashier at the grocery store commented on it.  We began talking about roasting cauliflower.  That conversation spurred me to think of how I might roast my beautiful cauliflower.

The Best Simple Chocolate Cake

Everyone needs a go-to chocolate cake recipe they love.  Do you have a favorite chocolate cake recipe?  Today I am sharing my favorite chocolate cake and my favorite chocolate frosting. I think this is the best, easy chocolate cake to make. As a bonus, I'm sharing a delightful raspberry filling you can add between the layers.  I know, yumminess! Moist and Delicious Chocolate Cake It is a moist, fudgy cake that I always top with Hershey's chocolate buttercream frosting, also found on the back of the Hershey's cocoa package.  Is there anything more satisfying than chocolate cake with chocolate frosting?  Of course not.

How to Care for Fading Daffodils

To me, daffodils mean spring.  It's not until I see that riotous yellow color bursting out throughout my garden that I believe that at long last winter is behind us. If you've been reading Just One Donna for a while you know that I enjoy having plants in my home.  I prefer easy-care plants both inside and outside.  Daffodils are pretty easy to care for, so they fit nicely into my outside garden in zone 7a. How to Keep Your Daffodil Garden Tidy  Spring Color in the Garden The trouble with daffodils is that their lovely color quickly fades and you are left with just the green leaves.  That wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that they wilt, turn brown and turn your lovely garden into a mess. You have to put up with the fading leaves for about six weeks in the garden.

Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies

Do you remember what your favorite candy was as a kid?   I liked most candy as well as the next kid, but for a couple of years in my early teens, I was obsessed with Heath Bars. Oh, how I loved those bites of chocolate-covered toffee.  I loved how the bar would snap when I took a bite.  I loved the crunching sound the toffee made while I chewed, and the chocolate, well the chocolate was the icing on the cake. What could be better than toffee chocolate chip cookies? How to Make Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies I've grown out of that obsession.  Yes, I gave up the Heath Bar long ago.  As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I had one. A few weeks back, while perusing the chocolate chip options at my local grocery store, a bag of Heath English toffee bits called out to me.  You know what I do when something calls to me from the grocery store shelf?  Well, I buy it, of course.