Are you a cauliflower lover? Cauliflower is a vegetable I make infrequently. That's because I am very picky about the quality of any head of cauliflower I buy. I want my cauliflower to be pristine white, with no hint of dark spots anywhere on the head. The Best Roasted Cauliflower A Head of Roasted Cauliflower It's not very often I find heads of cauliflower that look fresh enough for me to buy. This week I did find a beautiful little head. It weighed just over a pound. That head of cauliflower was so pretty that the cashier at the grocery store commented on it. We began talking about roasting cauliflower. That conversation spurred me to think of how I might roast my beautiful cauliflower.
Creating yummy food, a nurturing home, and a well-lived life.