Update as of August 2015 : After getting questions about where to purchase this paint I did some investigation. I had purchased my original containers of paint, as pictured below, from Home Depot. Unfortunately, this product is now discontinued. You may be able to find it online. I found a site on Etsy that seems to have an inventory on hand. ********************** I've been busy with projects around the house. The warm weather in the Northeast this year brought spring fever to me early on and I've been motivated to take on some inside projects. First, I refinished the oak stairs going to the second floor of the house, Then I decided the master bedroom needed a redo. Along the way, I have been touching up woodwork here and there. All this sprucing up means I've made several trips to local paint and hardware stores. On one of my trips to my local Home Depot, I saw a display of Martha Stewart Metallic paints. They caught my eye and my imagination. I left
Creating yummy food, a nurturing home, and a well-lived life.